Our beliefs and feelings about money have power

Money is a system of energy that operates according to the beliefs and the perceptions we place on it. Air is also energy, yet most people do not believe in a lack of air. When we breathe, we take it for granted that our next breath will be there!

Add a new belief to your new money script everyday.

The amount of money you have is directly related to your beliefs about money. A lot of people believe there is not enough money, and their lives reflect that belief. Every time you spend money, what feelings do you have? Do you feel good, or feel worried? Do you have more money flowing out than in? If you are running a lot of negative thoughts about money through your mind, it is time to write a new script.

For the next week, notice your thoughts, statements, and feelings about money. Write them down.

Come up with your own statements.

Some useful statements could be: “I am worthy of money”. “I am good with money”. “Money flows to me easily”. “I am powerful and I can manifest anything I want with the power of my thoughts.”Other examples of positive money scripts might include:”I am rich and the money will always flow to me easily.””Money is a natural blessing that comes to those who deserve it, not something you have to work hard for. Money feels right in my hands like a baby bird.”

Remember that your belief system is creating your current experience with money. Change your belief about money and you will change your bank account. Money is abundant. Money is not scarce. I always have enough money to cover my needs and wants. I can earn, find, or receive more money if I so choose. Money comes easily for me with little effort on my part. Money has no power over me and is actually a tool for my greater good and evolution.

“God loves me and has my best interests in mind when giving me money.” “The universe is so abundant that I always have enough money to cover my needs and wants.” “Money comes easily for me with little effort on my part.” Most people feel fearful when it comes to money. Why is that?I’m not afraid of money. Money doesn’t have power over me. Money is a tool for my greater good and evolution.

Our beliefs and feelings about money have power

Money is unlike anything else. As it flows, it changes how we feel about it, and how we think about it. How we act with it or what we do with it. Money is a system of energy that operates according to the beliefs and perceptions that we place on it. Money affects us deeply in our core–if is enough as much as anything can affect us “Atman”. If you’re holding onto money too tightly and not letting go of some coins or bills, you may find your thoughts running down anxious tracks like this- “If I don’t get this right, what will happen?

Everything will be ruined for my family” or “It isn’t even earning interest. If I don’t keep saving that at the same rate or open up a different account, I’m stupid.” The belief that the loss of money has the power to ruin everything is called “Poverty Myopia” and it leads people to obsess over money and hoard it. The second example is called “Money Fear”. Money fear can cause people to be stingy or hold onto their spending.What you see in your life isn’t necessarily true. You have a choice in what you see.

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